MMPI Test For IUP UGM- The MMPI test is an important component for determining applicants for the medical program at UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada). This MMPI test is generally required for job applications in professions that need individuals with good mental capabilities and high integrity. For example, presidential and vice-presidential candidates, as well as regional heads and legislative candidates, typically must take the MMPI before registering with the KPU (General Election Commission).

The MMPI psychological test can provide psychologists and companies with insights into the presence of psychopathological symptoms that may arise when someone is under pressure at work. Some aspects that can be assessed in the MMPI test include signs of stress, trust in others, doubts and sensitivities, schizophrenia, hypochondria, anxiety, uncertainty, and obsessive thoughts. For use among students, this test can predict the tendency for risky behaviors, such as substance use like alcohol and potential dependency on substances.

The key to answering the series of questions on the MMPI test at IUP UGM is: prioritize honesty, stay relaxed, and don’t be nervous. Since the number of questions reaches 567, ensure you are in good condition and maintain honesty. Why prioritize honesty? Because often, responses are checked again later with different timings and frequencies. So if you lie in your answers, it will only complicate things for you.

We provide the MMPI test questions used during the IUP UGM exam. Many have told us that the questions are very similar. Here are some examples of the questions:

  1. My sleep is fitful and disturbed.
  2. Much of the time, my head seems to hurt all over.
  3. I do not always tell the truth.
  4. If people had not had it in for me, I would have been much more successful.
  5. My judgment is better than it ever was.
  6. Once a week (or more often) I suddenly feel hot all over, for no reason.
  7. I am in just as good physical health as most of my friends.
  8. I prefer to pass by school friends or people I know but have not seen for a long time unless they speak to me first.
  9. I am almost never bothered by pains over my heart or in my chest.
  10. Most anytime I would rather sit and daydream than do anything else.

So, the type of questions is like the ones above, where you only need to determine true or false. However, as mentioned, there are 567 questions, so honesty and being in good health are essential. Many have found the IUP question set we provide very helpful, and now it's your turn. Get the latest module of the IUP UGM 2019 question set tailored after the IUP UGM intake test 1 in 2019.

Beberapa Jenis Tes IUP UGM Untuk Fakultas Kedokteran

Tes IUP UGM Fakultas Kedokteran Terdiri Dari:

Tes GMSTGadjah Mada Scholastic Test (GMST) adalah tes kemampuan kognitif yang mengukur potensi individu dalam bidang akademik sekiranya mendapatkan kesempatan melanjutkan studi pada International Undergraduate Program (IUP) di Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Tes AceptAcept atau kepanjangan dari Academic English Proficiency Test merupakan sebuah tes bahasa inggris yang diselengarakan oleh UGM sebagai syarat untuk masuk s2 maupun S3 UGM. bagi para mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan S2 atau S3 di UGM maka test AcEPT ini sangat penting.

Bagian Sola Pada Acept

  1. Listening : 20 soal
  2. Vocabulary : 30 soal
  3. Grammar and structure : 40 soal
  4. Reading : 40 soal
  5. Composing skills : 40 soal

Tes SJT. Situational judgement test (SJT) adalah penilaian yang dirancang untuk mengukur penilaian kandidat dalam setting peran yang relevan atau setting kerja. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penggunaan SJT pada proses seleksi dan penilaian di Fakultas Kedokteran telah digunakan secara luas.

Tes MMPI merupakan tes psikologi untuk mengidentifikasi psikopatologi pada calon petugas. Tes MMPI terdiri dari 567 pernyataan yang perlu dijawab. Calon petugas diberikan lembar jawaban untuk mengisi Benar atau Salah untuk setiap pernyataan,