MMPI Test For IUP UGM- The MMPI test is an important component for determining applicants for the medical program at UGM (Universitas Gadjah Mada). This MMPI test is generally required for job applications in professions that need individuals with good mental capabilities and high integrity. For example, presidential and vice-presidential candidates, as well as regional heads and legislative candidates, typically must take the MMPI before registering with the KPU (General Election Commission).

The MMPI psychological test can provide psychologists and companies with insights into the presence of psychopathological symptoms that may arise when someone is under pressure at work. Some aspects that can be assessed in the MMPI test include signs of stress, trust in others, doubts and sensitivities, schizophrenia, hypochondria, anxiety, uncertainty, and obsessive thoughts. For use among students, this test can predict the tendency for risky behaviors, such as substance use like alcohol and potential dependency on substances.

The key to answering the series of questions on the MMPI test at IUP UGM is: prioritize honesty, stay relaxed, and don’t be nervous. Since the number of questions reaches 567, ensure you are in good condition and maintain honesty. Why prioritize honesty? Because often, responses are checked again later with different timings and frequencies. So if you lie in your answers, it will only complicate things for you.

We provide the MMPI test questions used during the IUP UGM exam. Many have told us that the questions are very similar. Here are some examples of the questions:

  1. My sleep is fitful and disturbed.
  2. Much of the time, my head seems to hurt all over.
  3. I do not always tell the truth.
  4. If people had not had it in for me, I would have been much more successful.
  5. My judgment is better than it ever was.
  6. Once a week (or more often) I suddenly feel hot all over, for no reason.
  7. I am in just as good physical health as most of my friends.
  8. I prefer to pass by school friends or people I know but have not seen for a long time unless they speak to me first.
  9. I am almost never bothered by pains over my heart or in my chest.
  10. Most anytime I would rather sit and daydream than do anything else.

So, the type of questions is like the ones above, where you only need to determine true or false. However, as mentioned, there are 567 questions, so honesty and being in good health are essential. Many have found the IUP question set we provide very helpful, and now it's your turn. Get the latest module of the IUP UGM 2019 question set tailored after the IUP UGM intake test 1 in 2019.

Situational Judgement Test strategy: SJT IUP UGM

SJT IUP UGM - Situational Judgement Test (SJT) is a psychological assessment designed to evaluate how individuals respond to hypothetical, work-related situations. It is commonly used in recruitment and professional development to assess soft skills, decision-making, and judgment in specific scenarios. These tests often measure traits like teamwork, problem-solving, leadership, and conflict resolution.

Key Features of SJTs:

  1. Scenario-Based: Candidates are presented with realistic scenarios they might face in a job or educational setting.
  2. Response Options: Test-takers choose the best or most appropriate response (and sometimes the least appropriate) from a set of multiple-choice answers.
  3. Skills Assessed: Emotional intelligence, adaptability, prioritization, ethics, and interpersonal skills.
  4. Objective: To predict real-world job performance or suitability for specific roles.

Example Question:

Scenario: You are working in a team, and one member is not contributing equally to a critical project, causing delays.

  1. Speak directly to the team member to understand their challenges and offer support.
  2. Report the issue to your manager immediately.
  3. Work extra hours to cover their part and meet the deadline.
  4. Discuss the issue with the entire team to find a collective solution.

Use Cases:

  • Job Recruitment: Employers use SJTs to assess a candidate's alignment with the job's requirements and organizational culture.
  • Education: Used in admissions for programs like medicine or teaching, where interpersonal skills and ethical judgment are critical.

A Situational Judgement Test (SJT) evaluates how you respond to hypothetical, job-related scenarios, assessing competencies like problem-solving, decision-making, and interpersonal skills. To enhance your performance, consider the following strategies:

  1. Understand the Scenario: Carefully read each situation to grasp the context, challenges, and objectives. Identify whether the dilemma is professional, relational, or both, to determine the most appropriate response.

  2. Prioritize Realistic Responses: Select actions that are practical and feasible within a workplace setting, reflecting how you would genuinely handle the situation. Avoid choosing responses based on what you think the employer wants to hear; authenticity is crucial.

  3. Manage Your Time: While SJTs may be timed, it's important to work efficiently without rushing. Allocate a specific amount of time per question, and if you encounter difficulty, move on and return to it later if time permits.

  4. Avoid Assumptions: Base your answers solely on the information provided in the question. Refrain from making assumptions or drawing on external experiences that aren't directly relevant to the scenario presented.

  5. Consider the Role Requirements: Tailor your responses to align with the specific competencies and values pertinent to the job you're applying for. Understanding the role's demands can guide you in selecting the most appropriate actions.

  6. Practice with Sample Tests: Engage in practice SJTs to familiarize yourself with the format and types of scenarios you might encounter. This preparation can enhance your confidence and improve your decision-making speed.

  7. Stay Calm and Focused: Maintain composure throughout the test to ensure clear thinking and effective decision-making. Stress can impede your ability to choose the best responses, so approach each question with a calm mindset.

By implementing these strategies, you can improve your performance on SJTs, demonstrating your suitability for the role in question.

Listening Comprehension Part A dan B Pada Tes Acept UGM

Adapun kesamaan dan perbedaan Tes Listening Comprehension pada AcEPT UGM memiliki kesamaan dengan tes TOEFL. Kesamaan kedua tes ini terletak pada tren soal dan tingkat kesulitannya; sementara perbedaannya terletak pada orientasi bacaan. Jika teks bacaan dalam tes TOEFL lebih menitikberatkan pada informasi yang condong ke Amerika dan Kanada, maka AcEPT lebih bersifat lebih global, yakni dapat berisi informasi tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan Amerika, Kanada, Inggris, Australia, Asia, ataupun Afrika.

Peserta tidak memiliki waktu banyak untuk mengerjakan soal bagian ini karena jarak waktu satu soal dengan soal lainnya hanya 15 detik. Waktu yang relatif singkat ini harus digunakan untuk mendengarkan soal; membaca opsi jawaban; mengkaitkan soal dengan pilih­an jawaban; melingkari pilihan; dan mempersiapkan soal berikutnya. Kesulitan ini harus diatasi calon peserta tes dengan mempersiapkan langkah-langkah antisipatif jauh-jauh hari sebelum tes. Langkah-langkah antisipatif dapat dilakukan dengan mempelajari proses menyimak secara umum, mempelajari karakter soal dalam tes AcEPT, dan mencermati lingkup uji Listening Comprehension.

Listening Comprehension Bagian A
Short Statements/pernyataan/kalimat pendek

INTI/PERINTAH pada Listening Part A adalah MENCARI KALIMAT LAIN YANG MAKNANYA SAMA/MIRIP DENGAN PERNYATAAN DARI PEMBICARA. Berarti kata – kata dan urutan kalimatnya tidak boleh sama persis. Jumlah soal untuk Listening Comprehension Part A adalah 10 nomor.

Mempelajari kemampuan Anda memahami pernyataan pendek dalam bahasa Inggris. Dalam tes Listening Comprehension AcEPT; pernyataan akan dibacakan sekali saja dan pernyataan yang Anda dengar tidak akan ditulis dalam tes, serta Anda tidak diperkenankan membuat catatan apapun dalam buku tes. Dengan kondisi seperti ini dibutuhkan Short Term Memory yang baik, dan Anda dapat mempelajarinya bersama kami melalui latihan soal.

Perhatikan contoh berikut: Anda akan mendengarkan pernyataan singkat/short stament dari pembicara.NARRATOR:The assignment is due the day after tomorrow. No extension will be given for this.A. Simon is doing his job well, and they mentioned it. B. You must do the assignment the day after tomorrow. C. No sanction is given if you do the assignment the day after tomorrow. D. It’s better for you to complete the task right away.

Tidak ada teks rekaman pembicara di soal ujian Acept listening Part A dan B. Jadi Anda hanya mendengarkan saja. Anda akan diberikan jilidan soal yang berisi soal dan pilihan ganda A, B, C dan D.

Listening Comprehension Bagian B
Mempelajari kemampuan Anda mendengarkan teks pendek yang dibacakan narrator. Setelah teks diperdengarkan, Anda akan mendengarkan pula dua pertanyaan mengenai isi teks. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan, pilihan jawaban dalam format Multiple Choice. Anda harus ingat bahwa dalam tes AcEPT, waktu pengerjaan dibuat singkat. Bahkan waktu yang disediakan ini tidak masuk akal singkatnya. Waktu pengerjaan untuk bagian Listening Comprehension adalah 15 detik. Batas 15 detik ini dihitung dari bunyi question number one ke question number two, dan seterusnya. Jumlah soal pada test Listening Part B adalah 10 nomor. Pembicara akan membacakan sebuah narasi pendek dengan durasi waktu sekitar 1 hingga 2 menit. Setelah itu, pembicara akan membacakan dua (2) pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan narasi pendek tadi. Jadi secara keseluruhan ada 5 narasi pendek yang berbeda pada Listening Part B dan pembicara/narrator akan membacakan 2 pertanyaan untuk setiap narasi pendek.

Ini berarti, saat Anda mengerjakan soal Listening Comprehension, Anda harus benar-benar prima dalam hal mengingat soal yang Anda dengar dan menghubungkannya dengan opsi jawaban yang tersedia satu-demi-satu. Jika Anda tak memiliki Short Term Memory yang baik, tidaklah mungkin Anda dapat mengerjakan bagian ini dengan optimal.
Ingat, dalam tes Listening Comprehension AcEPT yang sesungguhnya Anda tidak diperkenankan membuat catatan apapun pada buku soal. Tapi Anda tidak perlu khawatir, karena kami akan memberikan latihan soalnya.

American are eager to help people as they want to provide assistance in equal and fair manner when a group of people is waiting. They expect to be helped on a first-come first-served basis, in the order in which they arrived. To be sure the chance to speak with a very busy person, such as a professor or a college official, it is the best to email or telephone in advance to see you will need to make an appointment.

1.   What is the topic of the talk?
a. Culture shock
c. Different building and food
b. Moving to a new shock
d. Problem with your English terminology

2.   Why do most people feel confused when they move to a new country?
a. They are entering an unfamiliar place
b. They are not feeling to try new food
c. They do not want to speak English
d. They do not bring food from their country

Skema Tes IUP Fakultas Kedokteran UGM

1. GMST (Gadjah Mada Scholastic Test)
  • Verbal Test
  • Numeric Test
  • Reasoning Test
2. AcEPT (Academic English Proficiency Test)
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar & Structure
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Composing Skills
3. Academic Test
  • Basic Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
4. SJT (Situational Judgement Test)
5. MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

Situational Judgement Test (SJT) Fakultas Kedokteran

Situational Judgement Test (SJT): Alternatif Metode Seleksi Mahasiswa Baru di Fakultas Kedokteran. Metode seleksi masuk Fakultas Kedokteran hanya mengandalkan penilaian kemampuan kognitif. Situational judgement test (SJT) bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian mengenai apa yang akan pelamar lakukan bila diberikan situasi tertentu, selain menilai apakah pelamar dapat mendiskusikan situasi tertentu, mereka juga dituntut untuk menunjukkan bahwa mereka dapat mendemonstrasikan kompetensi aktual yang dicari oleh institusi yang akan merekrut mereka. Situational judgement test (SJT) adalah penilaian yang dirancang untuk mengukur penilaian kandidat dalam setting peran yang relevan atau setting kerja. 

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, penggunaan SJT pada proses seleksi dan penilaian di Fakultas Kedokteran telah digunakan secara luas. Bukti penelitian secara konsisten telah menunjukkan bahwa SJT sebagai alat seleksi, ketika didesain secara tepat, memiliki reliabilitas dan validitas yang baik. Penggunaan SJT dalam proses seleksi mahasiswa kedokteran umum dapat menjadi prediktor kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan tes pengetahuan, wawancara terstruktur, tes IQ, kuesioner kepribadian dan pertanyaan pada formulir aplikasi.sjt dengan menggunakan video dilaporkan memiliki validitas lebih tinggi dibandingkan SJT tertulis. SJT dapat menilai berbagai atribut, termasuk mengukur berbagai keterampilan dan sifat, tergantung materi spesifik dari tes. 

SJT merupakan salah satu metode seleksi terbaik dan tervalid jika dirancang secara tepat, namun metode ini relatif baru, mungkin dapat kurang diterima secara internasional serta dapat menimbulkan bias kultural. Kata kunci: metode seleksi, SJT, situational judgement test, Situational Judgement Test (SJT): An alternative of New Student Selection Method in Faculty of Medicine Abstract Currently, the method of admission to the Faculty of Medicine only relies on the assessment of cognitive abilities. Situational judgment test (SJT) aims to assess what applicants will do when given a particular situation, in addition to assessing whether applicants can discuss a particular situation, they are also required to demonstrate that they can demonstrate the actual competencies sought by the institution that will recruit them. 

Situational judgment test (SJT) is an assessment designed to measure candidates' assessments in relevant role settings or work settings. In recent years, the use of SJT in the selection and assessment process in medical schools has been widely used. Consistent research evidence has shown that SJT as a selection tool, when appropriately designed, has good reliability and validity. The use of SJT in the general physician student selection process can be a better predictor of performance than knowledge tests, structured interviews, IQ tests, personality questionnaires and questions on application forms. SJT using video is reported to have higher validity than written SJT. SJT can assess various attributes, including measuring various skills and traits, depending on the specific material of the test.sjt is one of the best and most validated methods of selection if it is designed precisely but it is relatively new, it may be less internationally acceptable and may lead to cultural bias.